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What You Should Know Before Having A Mole Removed

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If you have a mole, you probably feel one of two ways about it.  You may love it and consider it an integral part of your overall look, or you may feel despair each time you look at the mole and feel that it seriously detracts from your appearance.  If you're in the latter category, mole removal is a very viable option that can help to boost your confidence levels and make you feel good about yourself.  However, before you go in to have your mole removed, there are a few things you should be aware of as it pertains to the procedure.  Use this information as a guide to help you understand more about the mole removal process.

You Will Likely Have To Pay For It

Unless it is determined that your mole is cancerous, there is a good chance that you will have to pay out-of-pocket to have it removed.  This is true because most insurance companies consider mole removal to be a cosmetic procedure, and the great majority of cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance because they are not deemed to be medically necessary.

Although you may have to pay to have your mole removed, the cost for the procedure shouldn't set you back too much.  Mole removal costs anywhere from $100 to $600 per mole, depending on the procedure used by your doctor.

You Can Expect Some Pain

Because moles are typically raised off of the surface of the skin, some people may mistakenly believe that removing them will be a pain-free process.  However, this is a misconception because you will typically experience pain after your mole is removed, and the pain could persist for as long as 48 hours.

The method that your doctor uses to remove your mole will be the greatest determinant in how much pain you experience.  Cryosurgery, which involves the usage of liquid nitrogen to essentially freeze the mole off of your body, typically results in much less pain than having a full-on surgical procedure performed for mole removal.

There May Be Scarring

Before you have your mole removed, you will definitely want to consider the fact that you may be left with a scar.  This isn't as important if your mole is on a part of your body that is generally covered, but it is a major factor if your mole is situated on your face.  You will want to talk with your dermatologist to find out whether there is likely to be scarring, and have a treatment plan in place that can help to reduce the scars over time.

Having your moles removed may be the key that helps you rediscover your self worth.  Use this information so you can walk into the removal process armed with the information you need to make the right decision. Talk to your doctor, such as Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists, for more information.
