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3 Tips for Flea Control and Prevention When You Are Planning to Board Your Pets

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If you own one or more animals, you are probably already aware of how challenging it can be to keep your pet free of fleas. Regardless of how clean and sanitary your home and yard are, it is often possible for dogs to pick up fleas from a neighbor's yard or at your favorite dog park. Therefore, as a responsible pet owner who wants to provide the best quality of life to your pet and who knows that pets need to be free of fleas prior to being boarded, you should be aware of the following information prior to choosing a flea treatment.

#1: It Is Crucial to Use Only the Products for the Species and Weight for Your Dog

It will first be necessary to understand that flea-control medications are made for specific animal types and weights. Due to the higher concentration of the medications that are meant for bigger dogs, it would be very possible for smaller dogs to become ill if they were given the wrong medication. In addition, if you accidentally give your cat flea medication meant for a dog, he or she could also sicken or experience negative side effects, even if the two animals are similar in age and weight.

That means that you should check all medication carefully before giving any to your dog. If you find that your pet was given a dose of medication not appropriate for their animal type or weight, contact your veterinarian immediately. It will also be helpful to determine which flea-control products the boarding facility you will be sending your pets to prefer or whether they provide any medication for their residents.

#2: All Flea Medications Are Not Created Equal

It is easy to assume that because the grocery or pet store sells a variety of flea-control products, they will all be equally useful. Unfortunately, that is not true, especially when you consider that it is now possible to buy some very effective over-the-counter medications for flea control that until a few years ago were available only by prescription. Therefore, you should speak with your veterinarian to determine what the best options are to treat and prevent an infestation of fleas.

Since some of the topically applied drops that are very affordable have been linked with serious side effects, the short-term financial savings that they provide could result in the need for expensive emergency care for Fido or Fluffy soon after.

#3: Always Know What Products You Have Used for Your Pet

One common mistake that is too easy to make is accidentally using more flea-control medication than you realize. For instance, if you bathe your dog with a flea-control shampoo and then attach a flea-and-tick collar to their neck, you have probably already supplied your beloved pet with more medication than he or she needs. That issue can be amplified if your pet goes to the groomer and gets a flea treatment soon after your treating them at home. Fortunately, by checking to see what the active ingredients are on each item you use on your pet and talking with your veterinarian to find the right products, you can keep your pet free from fleas and safe from an accidental overdose.

In conclusion, it is very easy for dogs and cats to catch fleas, even in the cleanest home or the most well-maintained boarding facility. As a result, it is a good idea to be aware of the information listed above before making a decision as to most appropriate flea treatment for your beloved pooch.

Talk to a company such as All Pets Hospital Ltd for more information.
