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3 Tips for Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

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Many people do not think about the overall health of their eyes until something goes wrong. Integrating eye-healthy behaviors can help reduce the risk of eye problems and vision loss.

Practice Good Eye Hygiene

Being cognizant about minimizing infection can help prevent avoidable damage to your eyes. You want to keep your hands away from your eyes as much as possible, because it is easy to transfer pathogens from your hands to your eyes. If you experience eye irritation from dryness or allergies, it is best to use eye drops specifically formulated to keep your eyes lubricated and reduce the effects of allergens.

When you feel like something is in your eye, try to wash your hands before searching for an eyelash or other piece of debris. Rubbing your eyes when it feels like there is an object inside it can also cause scratches and more irritation.

Fashion contact lenses are also a bad idea for your eye health. Since you have no way of knowing the quality of contacts you find online or in a random store, you may be putting yourself at risk for eye infections, which could lead to permanent vision loss. If you want to change your eye color, it is always best to speak with your eye doctor and purchase reputable, colored contacts.

Prevent Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases, specifically diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol, are some of the most common risk factors for vision loss. For many people, reducing controllable risk factors can help them avoid these common diseases. You should have yearly physicals that involve thorough blood work, which can help you pinpoint problems before they cause extensive damage.

If you already have a chronic disease, maintaining control over your numbers can reduce the likelihood of disease progression that may damage your eyes or other organs. Sometimes small changes to your lifestyle, such as making better food choices and engaging in moderate exercise can reverse chronic disease or make it easier to control.

Include More Eye-Healthy Foods

Lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3s are among the major nutrients that can improve your eye health. Some of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are leafy greens, but other green vegetables, such as broccoli, are good sources.

To maximize the nutrients in your vegetables, you will need to find ways of incorporating them with little to no cooking. Spinach and kale can be eaten in salads or blended into smoothies. If you do not like raw broccoli, steam it lightly. Fatty fish is a good source of omega-3s, such as salmon and sardines. When choosing salmon for its health benefits, wild-caught is preferred to the farm-raised version.

You should think of ways to protect your eyes long before problems arise. Establishing healthy practices can prevent avoidable eye problems and reduce your risk of future vision loss. Learn more by contacting services like Country Hills Eye Center.
