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Physical Problems That Can Arise If You Don't Get Treatment For Scoliosis

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Some people have a bad habit of ignoring symptoms that suggest different health problems. Even if you're pretty sure that something is wrong, it may be tempting to try to avoid seeking medical care. However, this is almost always a bad idea, as your symptoms can increase in severity and leave you with a number of undesirable side effects. If you're noticing that you could have scoliosis — a back condition in which your spine is curved unnaturally — you should visit a back care professional at a place like C D Denison right away for an assessment and treatment plan. If you don't take this step, the following physical problems, beyond the expected result of back pain, could develop.

Knee Pain

One of the problems with scoliosis is that it can affect the way you walk. When your spine is curved, your pelvis can also be out of alignment, and this can result in more pressure to one of your legs. In extreme cases, it may appear that one leg is actually longer than the other — this is a sign of how misaligned your spine and pelvis are. When you walk in this condition, one or both knees can take considerable strain, often to the point that they're extremely sore.

Foot Problems

The change in how you walk as a result of your scoliosis can also mean that you're putting more pressure on one foot that the other. You may notice this, in time, by looking at the soles of a pair of shoes that you often wear. If your gait is noticeably affected by your scoliosis, it could be apparent that the sole of one shoe is more worn than its counterpart. Excessive pressure on one foot, especially if you aren't wearing shoes that offer enough support, can lead to heel pain.

Shoulder Issues

Scoliosis can also affect your upper body. Depending on the severity of the curve, you may end up holding one shoulder higher than the other. A variety of issues can ensue as a result. For example, that shoulder and arm may be tired at the end of the day, or it may be awkward to sit at a desk and perform a simple task such as typing on the keyboard if one shoulder is higher than the other. You don't want your scoliosis to affect your body in this multitude of ways, so getting help from a professional promptly is a good idea.
