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Think About Visiting A Same-Day Urgent Care Clinic

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If you wake up and feel really bad, you know that you need to see a doctor. So, perhaps you call your primary care physician, but they can't get you an appointment until next week. While that can be a good thing, next week isn't going to help the fact that you feel terrible today. You want to get seen today so that you can get the appropriate treatment started. But maybe you aren't sick enough to need an ER. There is another option. That is to find an urgent care or same-day clinic.  

Urgent Care

These clinics tend to be first come, first served. You go to the clinic, and you will be able to see a medical professional that day. You may have to wait for other people to be seen, especially those who were there before you, but the clinic may also do triage and skip someone who is in worse shape straight to the head of the line so that they can get seen quicker. Some of the same day clinics have lines you can call into to see if you can get an appointment later in the day, so it is a good idea to check. Your primary care physician's office may have an urgent care clinic associated with them, especially if it's a large practice or affiliated with a larger hospital system. There are benefits to going to an urgent care clinic to see a medical professional. 

Frees Up ER Space

One benefit of going to an urgent care clinic is that urgent care can free up space in the emergency rooms for people who truly need that level of care. The urgent care physicians will be able to see you immediately and will be able to tell you what's going on. If they think that you have an emergent issue instead of just an urgent one, they can call an ambulance and send you to the ER. That will let you get into seeing a physician at the ER sooner than if you went in on your own without having gone through the urgent care clinic first. 

If you wake up sick in the morning, you want to feel better as soon as possible. The best way to do that is to see a doctor. If your doctor can't get you in today, you can visit a same-day clinic or urgent care clinic. You will be able to get seen today and start getting better. 

Reach out to a local same-day medical service if you have questions about your healthcare options.
