If you have been considering Botox treatment services, whether for medical or cosmetic purposes, you need to be fully prepared for the after-effects of the procedure. In fact, there are some things that you should keep in mind if you are hoping to get the best possible final result from the treatment. Here are a few things that you should consider before you get a Botox treatment so that you can be sure that it is successful. Read More»
From a stuffy nose to a scratchy throat or minor cough, there are several symptoms of the common cold that are annoying, but not serious. Luckily, in most cases these annoying symptoms of the common cold will go away quickly and you will be back in normal. However, what if your cold symptoms don’t improve or your symptoms become worse?
If you are suffering with a cold, here are a few signs it’s time to make a doctor’s appointment. Read More»
Your feet are important parts of your body. From walking and running to standing and jumping, the feet provide support for your body to move, rest, and live. Unfortunately, your feet are exposed to numerous hazards that you may not be familiar with. While surprising to learn, 70% of people will have athlete’s foot at one point in time because they came in contact with a fungus. Even though it is common, most people do not understand the signs and treatment options for athlete’s foot. Read More»
Rape is a serious offense that is both violating and illegal. When you’ve been raped, you know the only way to gain justice against your perpetrator is to prove the rape occurred, which puts you in a situation of emotional and physical exposure.
Visit your nearest health clinic to receive a rape kit test, which is vital to your case. You will have been advised to do so once you reported your sexual assault to the police department. Read More»
Many people who select a primary care physician choose a doctor who specializes in internal medicine or family medicine. Although the two specialties may seem the same, they actually differ.
Here are a few differences between internal and family medicine.
A family medicine doctor usually treats patients of all ages. Thus, they may regularly treat babies, young children, teens, and adults, often providing care for all of the members of a household. Read More»