Low Energy? It Could Be Your Thyroid

How "Pokemon Go" Is Contributing To Your Neck Pain And Back Problems And How To Reverse It

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The latest video game craze touts that it gets people out and gets them moving about town for exercise. While this is a pretty good concept (because you are not parked on the couch playing games), it is still having a negative impact on some people’s necks and backs. If you have just gotten into this craze and find that you suddenly have increased neck pain or upper back pain, here is how this game is contributing to those physical ailments and what you can do to reverse it. Read More»

Tips For Women Considering Breast Enhancement After A Total Mastectomy

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For women undergoing total mastectomy because of breast cancer, it is a blow that is a humiliating insult to injury. After surviving breast cancer, the pain many women go through due to the loss of their natural breasts can be emotionally tough. If you are dealing with the depression and emotional turmoil that came with the loss of your natural breasts, learning more about breast enhancement is a good idea. Read More»

Has Your High School Or College Wrestling Career Pushed You Toward Bulimia? What Are Your Treatment Options?

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If you spent your high school or college years as a competitive wrestler, you may not have given much thought at the time to the strange, potentially dangerous eating and exercise habits adopted by many wrestlers in an effort to get down to competition weight. However, once your wrestling days are behind you, you may still be dealing with disordered eating patterns. In some cases, years of a restricted diet (followed by post-meet binges) could lead to full-blown bulimia once you lose control over your binging and feel as though you’re forced to purge. Read More»

Got A Teenager That Has Been On Drugs? 2 Types Of Drugs You Should Be Aware Of

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If you have a teenager that has had problems with drugs, you should be aware of the different types of drugs out there, as well as the symptoms they cause. Chances are you have not heard of everything that is currently on the market, such as the two types below. This will allow you to tell if your child is on one of these drugs so you can get them the help they need. Read More»

Treatment Options For Your Child's Ear Abnormalities

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When your child is born with ear abnormalities, you likely find yourself extremely protective of your child. After all, just because they are different, does not mean you love them any less because of it. However, you may also realize that as your child grows up, they may begin to feel self-conscious or have low self-esteem about their ears. Because of this, you may be looking into possible treatment option for your child’s ear abnormalities. Read More»