Low Energy? It Could Be Your Thyroid

Signs of Lice and How to Prevent Their Spread

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Lice are small, parasitic insects that can be spread through contact with an infected host. Often, your first indication that your child has lice is a note from the youngster’s school nurse. However, there are signs that can help you recognize the presence of lice before they are otherwise detected. Here are a few of signs that your child has lice and how to prevent the insects from spreading once their presence is confirmed: Read More»

Do You Snore Heavily? A Visit to an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist Is in Order

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If you snore heavily and you are keeping your partner awake at night, you may have some options to consider. You might be suffering from sleep apnea, which can be treated by using a CPAP machine at night. This will reduce or eliminate your snoring and give you a good night’s sleep. You may simply need your tonsils removed, which would open up your airway. When you and your partner are bothered by your snoring, it’s time to meet with a doctor who can help. Read More»

What Do Transitioning Males Need to Know About Breast Augmentation?

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If you are a male transitioning into a woman, you may be considering a surgical breast augmentation to aid you in your quest for authenticity. While the augmentation surgical procedure is similar to that performed on a woman by birth, there are other unique considerations. Here is what you need to know before visiting a plastic surgeon.   You Will Require Proof of Psychiatric Counseling Before Surgery A qualified plastic surgeon will want to see proof that you have had extensive counseling before deciding to explore your surgical options. Read More»

Absence Seizures In Children And How Urgent Care Can Help

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Epilepsy is a serious disease because it can cause the mind to malfunction in serious ways. One of the most common types of pediatric epilepsy problems is absence epilepsy. Understanding this problem and the role urgent care has in its treatment is important to keeping a child safe and healthy. Symptoms Of This Condition Absence seizures are caused by a form of epilepsy that is usually most predominant in younger children. Read More»

Tips For Successfully Completing Your CNA Training Classes And Passing Your Licensing Exam

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If you have enrolled in an upcoming certified nurse’s assistant (CNA) training course, then it is important that you learn the necessary strategies to successfully pass each required course and ultimately your licensing exam. While CNA training courses are not technically complicated like college math classes are, they do present a lot of information in a short amount of time that you will be required to remember. To ensure that you pass your CNA courses and exam with flying colors, follow each of these tips: Read More»