Low Energy? It Could Be Your Thyroid

Do You Just Have Tired Eyes Or Computer Vision Syndrome?

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It’s typical to have fatigued eyes after a day of staring at a computer monitor. This has become such a common problem in the workplace that eye doctors now classify this eye strain as computer vision syndrome (CVS). Statistic Brain notes that nearly 70 percent of the workforce using computers experience CVS each day. If your work requires long hours in front of the computer, here is what you’re facing and how to reduce the strain on your eyes. Read More»

Alternatives To Opiates For Pain Management

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There are times when medication is necessary for pain management. When injuries first occur, pain is often most intense. Occasional flareups of old injuries sometimes require the temporary use of pain medication. Individuals with chronic pain may need to use medications on a daily basis. However, there are ways to manage pain and to lessen or eliminate the need for opiate painkillers, both for immediate pain from injuries and chronic or recurring pain. Read More»

Should Cavities In Baby Teeth Be Filled?

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A child’s baby teeth are only made to last for roughly 12 years, so they don’t have to be as strong as adult teeth. One consequence of this is that they often develop cavities that need to be filled. If you’re a parent, you might wonder why your child’s baby teeth have to be filled if they’re only going to fall out later anyway. There are number of reasons why your dentist might believe that it’s best to fill a cavity in one of your child’s baby teeth. Read More»

How To Determine Whether Antibiotics Are Right For Your Child's Earache

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Earaches are a common problem for children, and can leave your child in severe pain that often seems difficult to treat. Many parents are unsure whether to provide their child with antibiotics or not, especially when there are fears that antibiotics for children are overprescribed or even potentially damaging to their long-term health. Here is an overview of what your doctor will do to determine whether your child needs antibiotics and what your alternatives are. Read More»

What You Should Know Before Having A Mole Removed

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If you have a mole, you probably feel one of two ways about it.  You may love it and consider it an integral part of your overall look, or you may feel despair each time you look at the mole and feel that it seriously detracts from your appearance.  If you’re in the latter category, mole removal is a very viable option that can help to boost your confidence levels and make you feel good about yourself. Read More»