Low Energy? It Could Be Your Thyroid
What services do urgent care clinics offer? If you don’t need emergency medical services for a severe or serious injury, illness, or health-related condition, take a look at what you need to know about urgent care and how one of the centers can help you right now.
Are Urgent Care Centers Common?
Simply stated—yes. Not only are these clinics common, urgent care is a booming business that’s growing. In 2018 there were 8,100 of these clinics across the country, with a projected addition of 500 to 600 more in the following year, according to the Urgent Care Association (UCA). Read More»
If you have HIV, there may be certain foods, medications, and surgeries that are contraindicated since they may affect your immune system. If you’ve just been diagnosed with HIV, you may wonder if it’ll affect your oral health and whether or not you can get oral health care. Read on to find some answers to your questions.
Can You Get Dental Work Done if You Have HIV?
While each patient scenario is different, most patients can tolerate routine dental procedures and should proceed with this type of care. Read More»
If you suffer from opioid addiction, your doctor may prescribe Suboxone during your treatment. You may be apprehensive about taking any type of drug if you aren’t sure how your body will react to it.
Here is a bit of information about Suboxone to help you understand it and what it does.
What Is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a prescription medicine that can be taken to help treat people who are addicted to opioids. Read More»
Warts are most commonly found on the hands and feet, but they can appear in other places as well. They can cause you pain and they can be embarrassing to live with. Warts can be stubborn and hard to get rid of, with none of the home remedies you have tried being able to get rid of them. Luckily, you can go to a dermatologist, who will be able to treat them by giving you an exam and determining which course of action will be the best way to get rid of them. Read More»
If you play almost any sport, you have a wrist injury risk. Many athletes don’t think about injuries to their wrists, but they are common in this area. Some sports have a higher chance of wrist injuries than others. However, you can injure your wrist even if your sport doesn’t involve using your hands. Here are some common ways athletes injure their wrists and when you should see a sports medicine doctor for help. Read More»