Low Energy? It Could Be Your Thyroid

Helping Your Elderly Parent Retain Home Independence

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If your senior aged mother or father has a chronic health condition, then it may be time to hire a home health care aide. This is best to make sure your parent remains safe and healthy in the home. However, it is a good idea for your loved one to keep some of their independence. This will help to retain their self esteem and privacy. The bathroom is one of the places where your parent will most likely want their privacy. Read More»

Three Ways To Help A Family Member Who Is Experiencing Hearing Loss

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If you have a family member who appears to be losing his or her hearing, this person might feel isolated. It’s important to remember, despite the challenges this issue presents your family, that this person isn’t alone. Half of Americans over the age of 75 have hearing loss, while close to 25 percent of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 struggle to hear. You can help the person get through this situation by gently suggesting that he or she visit a hearing specialist for a hearing test and possibly [to] receive hearing aids. Read More»

4 Things Runners Need To Know About Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis

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Running is a good way to stay in shape and enjoy the outdoors, but if you overdo it, you could be at risk of a wide variety of sports injuries. One of the worst injuries that you can develop as a runner is femoral head avascular necrosis. Here are four things you need to know about this injury. What is it? Femoral head avascular necrosis is an injury that results when the femoral head, the uppermost part of your thigh bone, doesn’t receive enough blood flow and dies. Read More»

A Simple & Natural Guide To Help Eliminate Ringworm

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Ringworm is caused by several types of fungi that attach themselves to the top layer of your skin, causing a circular, rough patch on your skin. Your dermatologist will have a few helpful options for you. But there are also a few natural options you may want to consider. The following guide will offer a few natural ringworm-removing options. Try Garlic The first natural method you can try is using a garlic paste on the ringworm because it contains strong antifungal properties, like ajoene and allium. Read More»

Beyond The Tummy Tuck: 3 Cosmetic Procedures To Help You Banish Excess Skin

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A tummy tuck is often thought of as the major approach to removing excess skin. However, after a significant weight loss, there are usually other areas of excess skin you want to remove beyond your lower abdomen. There are other cosmetic procedures to sculpt your abdomen and other areas. Reverse Tummy Tuck When you gain weight in your mid-section, you might gain inches above your belly button. Although some people are able to achieve a flatter abdomen with only the standard tummy tuck, there are people who are left with residual fat and skin that sags over their belly button. Read More»