Getting a tummy tuck is a wonderful way to remove excess skin on your abdomen and give you a flat, beautiful stomach. However, in order to make sure you recovery process goes as it should, there are some things that you should do. This article will discuss 3 things to keep in mind while recovering from a tummy tuck.
You Should Check Your Temperature And Take Antibiotics
After you receive a surgery of this nature you are going to be prone to getting an infection as your incision site heals. Read More»
If you aren’t using contraceptives and family planning methods, but you are sexually active, there may be a number of reasons only you can explain. Alternatively, you may not be using the right contraceptive for your situation, but you’re concerned about side effects of other products or don’t know how to use another birth control method. If either of these scenarios is true for you, ask yourself if one or more of the following obstacles are holding you back: Read More»
In a setting dedicated to caring for the health of animals, there are few pieces of medical equipment more important than an ultrasound machine. Therefore, when you invest in a new setup, it is highly important to ensure you are getting the best for your money. While shopping for something so technologically complicated as an ultrasound setup may seem like a daunting task, finding the right one is all about knowing what features you need. Read More»
Does it feel like there’s a stone in your shoe whenever you walk? Does this sensation persist whether you’re barefoot, wearing socks, or wearing shoes? Chances are, you’re suffering from a condition known as a fat pad contusion – otherwise known as a bruised heel. Here’s a closer look at this condition and what you should do about it.
What causes a bruised heel?
The major bone that forms the bottom of your heel is called the calcaneus. Read More»
Facial veins that become highly visible are something that commonly happens as you age. The veins begin to widen due to poor blood circulation. Luckily, there are treatments that can be done to surgically remove them. However, while waiting for these surgeries and for the process of the surgery to be visible, you will want to know of these four easy ways to hide facial veins:
Makeup: Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to hiding imperfections on the face is makeup. Read More»