Low Energy? It Could Be Your Thyroid

4 Questions To Ask Before Purchasing A Medicare Supplement Plan

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If you’re concerned that your original Medicare plan does not cover significant health care costs, you may be best served by purchasing a Medicare supplement plan from a private insurance company. Although these kinds of plans don’t cover everything–extended hospice care, dental work and prescription drugs, for example, are not covered–they’re an excellent way to reduce deductibles or co-payments. Take a look below at the four questions you should ask insurance companies before purchasing a Medicare supplement plan today. Read More»

4 Tips To Save Money On Medical Supplies

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As you are getting older, you have probably noticed that you need a lot of medical supplies to help take care of yourself. These supplies can add up and get really expensive, but luckily, there are ways to save. These are a few common tips for saving money on medical supplies. 1. Try to Have Your Insurance Pay for It Whenever possible, try to have your medical supplies paid for by your insurance company. Read More»

What To Expect When You Recover From Spinal Fusion Surgery

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If you’re facing the prospect of spinal fusion surgery, you’re probably concerned about how long it will take you to recover. This type of surgery takes a long time to heal, since your back won’t be completely stable until your bones have had time to fuse to the graft. Knowing what to expect is important so you can make arrangements for time off from work and to prepare your home to recuperate. Read More»

Understanding Causes To Find Solutions - A Guide To Common Sources Of Headaches

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Going through life with a great deal of headache pain can be extremely stressful and difficult. Chronic headaches can severely limit your ability to operate in a day to day setting, can substantially hamper your productivity, and can compound the standard daily stresses you may already be coping with. If you’re suffering without solutions, it may help to understand the origins of your pain. Below, you’ll find a guide to some of the most common causes of chronic headaches. Read More»

Computer Vision Syndrome: What Can You Do About It?

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Computer vision syndrome can affect anyone who uses computers for uninterrupted, long periods of time. Although the effects from it are usually temporarily, they can contribute to wear and tear on your eyes overall. Here is what you need to know about the condition if you use your computer daily. What Is Computer Vision Syndrome? Computer vision syndrome is a condition that results from eye strain caused by prolonged periods of looking at a computer monitor. Read More»